FM StoreySniper Lichess coach picture


Chessbase Author (The Sniper and The White Sniper) and Skype one to one Coach using Ryzen 3900x Super Computer to ensure best possible repertoire.

LocationDubai United Arab Emirates
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 230023882411
Hourly rate£50
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am FIDE Master Charlie Storey qualified Computer Science teacher and England Junior International Team Coach.
I created the Sniper opening systems which are now 2 very succesful prodcts with Chessbase and have developed many succesful Chess teaching courses and written chess books - I now have my own chess resources at www.MasterChess.TV.

I have 2 x IM Norms the latest at 2019 British Chess Championships where I played The Black and White Sniper in every round.

I have won over 160 UK Open events and created The Super Human Chess Engine.

Playing experience

NCCU Champion 2018
2 x IM Norms at British Chess Championships
Civil Service National champion 1991
British Championship Blitz Champion 1996
British Chapionship Rapidplay Champion 2009
Scottish Lightning Champion 2001

Teaching experience

Qualified Computer Science teacher - Graduate of Kings College London
FIDE Master with 2 x IM Norms and FIDE Trainer - Trained by GM Adrian Mihailcicisin
England International Junior Team Coach 2008-2020
World Chess Junior Squad Head Coach
Coached 2 x FIDE Masters who are under 18 and both have won Open events
Coached many National Junior Champions age groups uner 8 to Under 16
Coach Current under 16 British Chess Champion
Coach Juniors and adults.

Other experiences

British Chess Championships commentator 2018
Ex semi Professional footballer with Blyth Spartans FC
Jiu Jitsu practitoner

Best skills

Excellent communicater and Chessbase official DVD Presenter
Qualified Teacher with rigourous teacher training program.
Friendly and adaptable and have fun with student.
Always positive and friendly.
Eotionally supportive when times are tough.
Prove succesful Coach, Player and presenter.
Creating advanced default principles and identifying if student does not have them.

Teaching methodology

I am trained in Computer Science Pedadgogy from one of the worlds best university I use that skillset to teach chess with an emphasis on student enjoying the chess journey. I use a super computer to help build repertoires. Have a proven tactical improvement program and specilise in Endgame improvement and winning won positions.

I use Skype and my enormous Chessbase resources and give access to my video repository at www.MasterChess.TV and