NM Failshot12 Lichess coach picture

NM Ivo Dias

Let's expand the way we look at chess

LocationPortugal Portugal
LanguagesEnglish (US), Português (BR), Español, Galego
Hourly rate15 euro/h (negotiable and also available for group classes)
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello, my name is Ivo Dias, I am 26 years old, and I'm a National Master from Portugal. I currently work in the banking/Finance Industry and play/teach in my spare time. I have been playing since I was 6 years old. My goal in chess is to eventually get the Fide Master Title!

Playing experience

I have been playing all over Europe, especially in Portugal and Spain.

My best result was probably when I won my first International Open "II Torneio Internacional Cidade de Famalicão" with 6 out of 7 gaining more than 100 ELO points.

Teaching experience

I have been teaching chess for more than 10 years to all kinds of students. From kids who want to learn how to move the pieces to adults who have been stuck for more than 20 years and want to improve their level and over time I always manage to adapt my methodology to all types of students.

Best skills

I would say my strongest skill is opening play! I have pretty good opening knowledge and I can explain ideas and concepts in simple ways, which helps you not only memorize it but also fundamentally understand it!

We should learn and cover all parts of the game, but always focus on our main problems/doubts.

Teaching methodology

It depends on their weaknesses, goals...etc. Usually a good starting point is to analyze the student's games, see which areas they need to improve on.

I believe that every student should have a weekly goal for the number of games played (online or over the board) and exercises (mainly tactics).