IM AAlmeidaTX Lichess coach picture

IM Alfonso Almeida

Getting better by the minute!

LocationSan Antonio United States
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español
Hourly rate$50
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

International Master Alfonso Almeida and FIDE Trainer

Playing experience

A former champion of Mexico, I have played in many international tournaments, IM since 1997. I coached the National team in at least five Junior World Championships. Played a Chess Olympiad. And won the COI International Tournaments, "Festival Olimpico Mexicano," Gold Medal.

Teaching experience

Over 20 years of experience teaching. NYC, Texas, and Mexico City. (Spanish/English).

Other experiences

Doctor of Education, ABD. Instructional and Educational Technology. M.Ed., Educational Technology, MC e-Learning.