
Carlsen restores order in Lichess Titled Arena 6

Carlsen dominates

GM Magnus Carlsen ("damnsaltythatsport") won his 5th Lichess Arena title by a comfortable 20-point margin. He gained revenge for a disappointing showing in the previous edition. Finishing second was GM Daniel Naroditsky ("RebeccaHarris"). Third was GM Oleksandr Bortnyk ("Night-King96"). Fourth was IM Vincent Rothuis, who is the only non-GM to consistently compete for a prize in these events. Fifth place, and the final prize, was won by a single point. GM Ashkat Chandra just barely edged out GM Andrew Tang who took his turn having a bad tournament after spectacularly conquering the field last time.

As always the event was well-covered by numerous streamers. The king of YouTube chess, Chess-Network, had lots of fun with the pseudonymous games played by Carlsen:

Another popular streamer, IM John Bartholomew, participated himself:

Other streamers included GM Andrew Tang, GM Akshat Chandra, and NM JohnChernoff. IM Eric Rosen streamed his participation in the tournament from the plush Saint Louis Chess Club studios.

For the 5th time, Magnus Carlsen donates his Titled Arena 1st prize to the next one!
--- (@lichess) August 5, 2018

There is no date set for the next Titled Arena but there definitely will be one. Stay tuned to our standard communication channels for details:

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