Chess Jumping Athlete


Hottest New Chess Variant! ***** Chess Jumping Reaches International Prominence!

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Testing AI's idea of..."slightly overweight people." How many extra body parts do you count?

AI's default woman is a model in skimpy clothes, and I had to keep asking for "average" people in long, loose clothing. In the end, I asked for "slightly overweight people," and you see the results. Some of the poses and errors amused me. I was touched by the "humanity" of the fake people and pleased they are chess jumping enthusiasts.

Never could I get a proper chessboard. My heartache was real, but I've recovered.

Thank you for watching yet another imperpect production of Margie's Chess Media and Inter-Species Chess Outreach. #ISCO

Contact us for free tips on starting your own happy chess jumping club.

(9) International Chess Jumping Championships in Photos #ISCO - YouTube