[Event "Casual rapid game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/UWqnspJV"]
[Date "2023.10.29"]
[White "wishal_gazza"]
[Black "khoirunnisa07"]
[Result "1-0"]
[UTCDate "2023.10.29"]
[UTCTime "08:58:11"]
[WhiteElo "1475"]
[BlackElo "1241"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[ECO "B02"]
[Opening "Alekhine Defense: The Squirrel"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "lichess.org"]
1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. c4 Nf4 { B02 Alekhine Defense: The Squirrel } 4. d4 Ne6 5. d5 Nc5 6. b4 Nca6 7. b5 Nc5 8. a4 d6 9. f4 dxe5 10. fxe5 Ncd7 11. e6 Nf6 12. exf7+ Kxf7 13. h4 Ke8 14. g4 Nxg4 15. Bh3 c6 16. Bxg4 Bxg4 17. Qxg4 cxd5 18. Qf3 b6 19. cxd5 a5 20. d6 Ra7 21. dxe7 Rxe7+ 22. Ne2 Rxe2+ 23. Qxe2+ Be7 24. Bg5 Kf8 25. Rf1+ Bf6 26. Bxf6 gxf6 27. Nc3 Qd4 28. Rc1 Qxh4+ 29. Qf2 Qxf2+ 30. Rxf2 h5 31. Rxf6+ Ke7 32. Rxb6 Nd7 33. Rb7 Re8 34. Rd1 Kf6+ 35. Kf1 Nc5 36. Rb6+ Kg5 37. Rd5+ Kg4 38. Rg6+ Kh4 39. Rd4+ Ne4 40. Rxe4+ Rxe4 41. Nxe4 Kh3 42. Ra6 h4 43. Rh6 Kh2 44. Rxh4# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0