
Mating Help

How do you Study Mates

One of my problems is closing out won games in time, I am missing Tactics at shorter time controls. I think part of this is being an adult learner that never memorized 10,000 mates before getting out of diapers.

Here is a simple example: This problem takes most people 17 seconds it took me 2.12 minutes.Mate in 2
This is not a hard mate but I just do not see it on 1st glance and have to manually calculate options.

Here is my mate study plan:
Mastering Mates 1: 1,111 One-Move Mates (Completed last month in 2.5 hours, review in March 15th)
Add Mastering Mates 2: 1,111 Two-move, Three-move & Four-move Mates to my daily practice
Work on Queen v, Rook Endgames for board vision and calculation practice.
Make it through Chess 5334 (at 1800) - I have own the book since the 90s and have never gotten through it.
Lean Bishop and Knight Mate by heart in 10 second time delay

I am open to other ideas, I am not an expert and am just fumbling through this as an adult. How did you create board vision to just see these mates, especially if you did it later in life.

Sarterus Rowe
Founder Chess for Memory IG:Chessformemory