tabby chess

My Blundering in chess stopped , but why ?

ChessOff topicChess Personalities
still puzzled why for 2 weeks i blundered my way down the ladder, suddenly i stopped blundering but why?

Blundering in chess – it's like a contagious ailment that spreads through the mind, wreaking havoc on even the most seasoned players. At least, that's what it felt like for me. But could it really be my cat casting spells of confusion upon me? The warmer weather seemed to have enticed my feline friend out on mouse-hunting adventures, leaving me alone to ponder over my chessboard.

Oddly enough, as soon as I found myself solo in my domicile, the blunders ceased. It was as if a fog had lifted, revealing clarity in my moves once more. But why had I been plagued by blunders for nearly two weeks prior? Had my brain received an unexpected update? Or was it merely a case of suggestion, the mere absence of my cat's presence enough to dispel the bewitchment?

Reflecting on my chess-playing process, I realized something unsettling – I often moved pieces based on vague notions rather than conscious calculation. It was a subconscious dance, guided by intuition rather than deliberate analysis. And for those tumultuous two weeks, that dance had faltered, leaving me stumbling through games and watching my rating plummet.

Now, faced with the aftermath of my chess debacle, I find myself somewhat embarrassed. How could I, a seasoned player, succumb to such a lapse in judgment? Yet, here I am, forced to climb the ladder once more, striving to reclaim the glory I once possessed.

So, dear readers, as I embark on this journey of redemption, I can't help but wonder – was it truly my cat's hypnotic influence that led to my downfall? Or was it simply a momentary lapse in the intricate dance of the mind? Whatever the answer may be, one thing is certain – the game of chess is a fickle mistress, and even the most adept players are not immune to her whims.

Until next time, may your moves be swift and your blunders few !

no blunders ?

Warm regards,
