
Bad sportsmanship in chess, what's that?

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I don't expect anyone to know everything from the beginning, especially beginners. NOBODY IS PERFECT. But some things are so logical. Whether you are a beginner or a more experienced player, you should regularly think about the way you treat others! Let's check:

Here is my list of the most important things you should not do on lichess and other platforms (most of them are based on own experiences, some also apply for personal chats and forum discussions) because they are just unfair:

  1. Cheating during games! You certainly have already heard about people who use a computer programme telling them the best answers on their opponent's moves, which is (surprise, surprise...) ILLEGAL! We want to play against humans, not against machines here.
  2. Offering draws too early! This is very suspicious, especially in the opening after two or three moves only... to be honest, it makes you look like a CHEATER... and who really wants that? Only offer a draw when it is very clear, so usually in the middlegame or endgame (see e. g. my blog post on that topic).
  3. Insulting your opponent!
    Trying to intimidate other players has nothing to do with chess which is an INTERNATIONAL GAME that brings different cultures and people of all ages together. You want to be treated as a human? Then do so with others, too.
  4. Spamming other users! Aiming at distracting other players by sending them a bunch of useless messages is very ANNOYING and a very sad commentary. You don't want to be spammed? Then do so with others, too.
  5. Harassing other users! I mean putting pressure on the opponent ("Don't chat, play faster!!!") in rapid and classical games is clearly a sign of LACK OF SELF-ESTEEM. If you want to play fast, then please choose bullet or blitz.
  6. Letting time run (out) without resigning! If you don't think you will win a game or if you don't want to finish it anymore, then please so fair as to abandon and/or to message your opponent. Everyone, including you, will be very GRATEFUL. Let me tell you about two of many own experiences (without mentioning names, of course, because I don't want to humiliate the players in question):

In 2021, I received a challenge for an unlimited Chess960 game and accepted it. My opponent had already been rather unreliable in previous games, but playing with him was fun even though because I think I could show him how to play chess (he was a beginner). Unfortunately, he (playing Black) neither reacted on MY SECOND MOVE AS WHITE nor on my three messages (during three weeks) in which I kindly asked him if he would still like to continue. I had to wait FOUR WEEKS until he finally resigned!

Currently, I am having an unlimited standard game. We are stuck after SEVEN MOVES because my opponent seems not to want to continue. I have been waiting for THREE WEEKS now, getting not a single "yes" or "no" from him even if he was online one and a half weeks ago. First, I kindly asked him three times if he would still like to continue (every four days), in vain. Then I became more direct and wished to know how regularly he would like to play (once a week, every two/three/four weeks) and reminded him of the possibility to abandon in case he would not like to play on. It is quite ANNOYING as I can spot that he has recently finished other games (in which he had played more than seven moves)...

Now, what about you: Would you like to add some points? Do you agree or disagree?
My current favourite: HOW DO YOU REACT in case people let time run out/on without resigning?

Many thanks for leaving me a comment (or for sending me a DM).
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Hugs and kisses, pafchess