
Multiblog?? Want to know? So click and let's find out!!

Hi friends I am @nIlKaNtH1111111 !!

Wo hoo!! Welcome!! I thought posting this blog today only will be a very nice thing!!
So let's begin!!
Actually this is a multiblog means in this blog we are going to do two things!!
1st thing is we are gonna compare!
Lichess vs!!
Guys now lichess is way more better than as you all know!
Cause in we need to take membership for even solving puzzles! And there are many ads also!
But in lichess?? No! No ads and it's free to solve puzzles!!
Well this was our first topic!! Be sure to tell me which online platform do you like!!
Lichess or!!
Well, let's start our next topic!!
The topic is about chess!
I am gonna give some information about chess and why is it important to play!!
So let's begin!!
Yeah so let's start from how is chess helping our body??
You know it's actually a exercise for our brain!
But remember this that to play chess is not compulsory!
So do not force anyone!
Well next thing!
What is chess??
Chess is a borad game and it helps many children to be refresh and you know playing chess on lichess is also a bit helpful.
You know what happens is we can talk with our friends which makes us happy and etc.
Well I would like to request you all that do not chat with any unknown person over here!
Because you may get trouble!!
Well next thing and the last thing!!
I know this is getting a bit longggg!!
Yeah so let's move on!!
Should we play chess regularly? What if we give a break and restart? What will happen?
It's not compulsory to play chess regularly you can if you want to but if you play chess regularly you will get a habit and you will be prepared for tournament!! You can give a break and restart! But it may take time to play as good as you were before after the break! Nothing will happen!
Well this is it for this blog!
Meet you in the next blog!!
Till that time bye bye!