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Challenging puzzles

No blog in a long time

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I posted a blog. I wanted to post something new so I decided I would post about puzzles.

Tactical puzzles

Chess puzzles can also be regular positions from a game (with normal rules and sometimes variants), usually meant as training positions, tactical or positional, from all phases of the game (openings, middlegame, and endings). These are known as tactical puzzles. They can range from a simple "Mate in one" combination to a complex attack on the opponent's king. Solving tactical chess puzzles is a very common chess teaching technique. Although it is unlikely that the same position will occur in a game the student plays, the recognition of certain patterns can help to find a good move or plan in another position.

The puzzles that I made

The above link is the study, where I have posted 10 puzzles around 3000 rating. Can you solve all of these puzzles without using hints or viewing the solution? Also, tell me if I made a mistake in the study. Should I do more blogs like this? Tell me in the comments.

Please heart on your way out, means a lot to me.
