The French Defense is no longer playable.
Let me introduce you to my favorite opening, to win against with the white pieces : The French DefenseThe French Defense is an opening for Black against 1.e4.
However, many top players no longer use it.
This is because the French Defense, especially in the Advance Variation, has serious problems that make it less effective in modern chess.
What is the French Defense?
The French Defense is a way for Black to fight against White’s strong center.
In the Advance Variation (1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5), Black quickly attacks White’s center with 3...c5.
The main idea is to put pressure on the d4 pawn and try to win it.
Black also wants to place a knight on f5 to control important squares like d4 and f5.
This plan was successful in the past because Black could challenge White’s space advantage.
Why This Plan Doesn’t Work
The main problem with this plan is that Black’s attack on the d4 pawn is not strong enough.
In many positions, White can ignore the threat or even let Black take the pawn.
Modern games show that White can create dangerous attacks on the kingside or queenside while Black focuses on d4.
A good example is the game between Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (MVL) and Ivan in Riga at the FIDE Grand Swiss, 2021.
The Game MVL vs. Ponkratov, 2021
In this game, MVL showed how White can use the space advantage to attack on both sides of the board.
White did not focus on protecting the d4 pawn.
Instead, MVL used this pawn as part of an active plan.
He showed that White could sacrifice the pawn to get a better position.
Two key ideas explain why Black’s plan fails:
- White’s Flexibility: Even if Black wins the d4 pawn, White’s pieces can use the square for strong moves. For example, White can place a knight or bishop on d4 to control the center.
- Attacks on the Flanks: While Black spends time attacking d4, White can push pawns on the queenside or kingside. These attacks are faster and more dangerous. Black’s position can quickly become weak and hard to defend.
In the MVL-Ponkratov game, MVL’s active play on both sides of the board gave him a winning position.
Black’s focus on the d4 pawn in the opening was too slow to stop White’s initiative.
The French Defense, especially the Advance Variation, is not effective in modern chess.
Black’s lack of fast counterplay and the weaknesses in the pawn structure are serious problems.
Games like MVL vs. Ponkratov show that White can punish Black’s slow plan. For these reasons, the French Defense is no longer a good choice for top players.
Here's another example at a more modest level :
Annoucement !
If you want to master the art of winning with 1.e4, don’t miss my Online Masterclass on Saturday, January 18th, 2025, hosted on Teams at 19:00 Paris Time.
This event is perfect for players rated between 1000 and 1800!
The entry fee is just $15 for a 2-hour session packed with valuable insights and strategies.
Contact : lorischesstrainer@gmail.com
Thank you,
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