Played 24 Bullet games233427
No note yet
Klaus Serra
I like to play closed positions, Nf3, d4 and c4 as white and against e4 I usually play c5 or e6 or against d4 I go for some slav lines or symmetrical aproach.
Brasília Brazil
Member since 13 Aug 2018
Time spent playing: 16 days, 9 hours
Time featured on TV: 8 hours, 57 minutes
Supported for 17 months as a Patron
Played 5 Bullet games23614
Played 5 Bullet games23658
Played 66 Bullet games23577
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #146 (top 7%) with 33 games in Monthly HyperBullet Arena
Played 36 Bullet games235095
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #15 (top 10%) with 5 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #139 (top 81%) with 1 game in Hourly Bullet Arena
Supported for 16 months as a Patron