Garry Kasparov

Revisiting Kasparov's Immortal Game

ChessAnalysisOpeningTacticsChess Personalities
Revisiting Kasparov's immortal game is interesting and reveals new hidden resources

Hi all

Revisiting Kasparov's immortal game is interesting and reveals new hidden resources :)


I have done a new analysis of Kasparov's Immortal game. The game is absolutely amazing as it shows a dramatic King hunt driving the opponent's King down the board. Spectacular resources are demonstrated and many times Kasparov finds the one move and only move to keep the advantage.

Finding new "secret gardens" :)

A "Secret Garden" is filled with wonder and new explorations to enjoy. I did find some new "secret gardens" including:

Secret garden #1

Qf4 may have actually been more accurate than g3

Secret garden #2

At move 26 if Qc5 had been played:

There is actually Qxf6+ Qd6 and then the remarkable Be6!!

Video annotation shortly based on this study:

Cheers, K

Key Takeaway points

  • Kasparov creates a masterpiece of a game involving a rook sacrifice which triggers things off
  • Bringing the opponent's King down the board is often very useful generally
  • Taking account of forcing moves is vital in the combinational sequences

Hope you enjoyed this blog :). Any likes and follows are really appreciated. Also, I also have some interesting chess courses at to check out.
Cheers, K