hutgovyBullet stats
Rating: 2375.63. hutgovy is better than 96.8% of Bullet players.
Progression over the last 12 games:
Total games | 33,388 | |
Rated games | 33,346 | 100% |
Tournament games | 7,906 | 24% |
Berserked games | 122 | 2% |
Time spent playing | 49 days 18 hours 59 minutes |
Average opponent | 2198.33 | |
Victories | ||
Draws | 1,471 | 4% |
Defeats | ||
Disconnections | 3 | 0% |
Best rated victories | |
GM Bestinblitz (2850) | |
BrittaBagels (2816) | |
HungarianstrikerMMIV (2664) | |
Gilevich (2605) | |
LauferTrompudo (2593) |