
Why you should avoid RESIGNING games!

It is a well known fact that no one has ever won a game of chess by resigning so in this blog I will be going over why I think you should not resign, and how you should play when you are in a losing position!

Here is why we should never RESIGN!

Our opponent is human, not a bot and hence he/she could very well slip up and grant you an opportunity to come out on top and win the game. As a chess player, we need to believe in our own ability to win, no matter what the cost and fight as hard as we can for a win. This is what we call a "true fighting spirit"! After all, "Unwavering faith and a never ending determination can bring even miracles to your side!"

Tips on how to play a lost position:

  • Try to complicate the position for your opponent.
  • Avoid exchanges when you are down material, because that would just make it easier for your opponent to grind you down and hence utilize his material advantage to beat you.
  • Try to be as aggressive as you possibly can. Who knows? Your opponent may make a blunder when trying to fend off your attacks, so always play in a sharp, tactical style.
  • Put your opponent under TIME PRESSURE. This is a BIG one because even if your opponent has a winning position it will be extremely difficult for him to keep his composure when he is down on time, which could result in many a BLUNDER!

Also, if you wish you can take a small cue from yours truly(me..xd) by watching this clip where I managed to convert a game where I was down a clear exchange and had a completely losing position by following all 4 of the above mentioned STEPS!

Thank you and I will see you all in my future blog posts,

Till then, never give up and keep playing as hard as you can!