
My team's FIRST ever Team Battle!

An OUTSTANDING performance by our team in our maiden team tournament!

Dear Team members,

We managed to finish 13th out of 200 teams in the"325th Indonesia Chess Festival Team Battle" with a MASSIVE total of 199 points in a 403 player pool tournament!! Since this is our first ever team tournament, this is certainly a spectacular performance and one to be immensely proud of at that!

  • @sherifAbdulrahman top scored with a massive 71 points with @mpk423 and yours truly(@gliscorx) scoring 68 and 47 points respectively with @Housam_Eid and @nasrvip bringing up the rear by scoring 11 and 2 points each, respectively as well! Two more players named @Sinagh93 and @Evans96, though despite not scoring any points nevertheless participated and their effort too is very much appreciated!
  • I have compiled a lichess study showcasing one game of each of our top scoring players as a special "thank you" for playing so hard and so valiantly for our team! Your performance and contribution is greatly valued and appreciated!

Top scorers : @sherifAbdulrahman : 71 Points
@mpk423 : 68 points
@gliscorx : 47 points
@Housam_Eid : 11 points
@nasrvip : 2 points

You can join my team HERE! :
Tournament link :

Thank you and let's continue dominating these team battles together,
I look forward to playing with you all in our future battles!