Solved 129 tactical puzzles192769
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Membre de Valence-Echecs
FIDE rating: 1280
Lyon FranceMember since Mar 1, 2017
Time spent playing: 133 days 23 hours 0 minutes
Played 14 Blitz games
Played 2 Rapid games17449
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #163 (top 73%) with 2 games in French Online League nº28 Team Battle
Solved 123 tactical puzzles185833
Played one run of Puzzle Streak
Played 9 Blitz games
Solved 148 tactical puzzles182522
Played 22 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 3 Blitz games
Solved 184 tactical puzzles184719
Played 3 Blitz games
Solved 56 tactical puzzles1828103
Played 29 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 11 Blitz games
Supported for 17 months as a Patron
Solved 195 tactical puzzles193171
Played 9 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 4 Blitz games
Solved 210 tactical puzzles18604
Played 6 Blitz games