
Overvaluing the queen

This might sound weird, and coming from a mid-to-low-level chess player to boot, but I've seen/played a lot of overvalued queen games lately. No response necessary; just wanted to put this out there.

I realize that this might not be a queen overvaluing per se, but in both of these games I get a lot of material for a queen. I know I made a lot of mistakes in these games, so by all means, poke holes in this all you want. First game: Second game:
Try not to overvalue your queen. Try not to overvalue your queen. If you can get your opponent's queen, make sure that it isn't overvalued. I'm no expert, but here is a table that I like to use (mentally of course) for overvaluing the queen.
* You get your opponent's queen for a rook or less: Worth it
* You get your opponent's queen for a rook and a pawn: Worth it
* You get your opponent's queen for a rook and a minor piece: Depends on the position; evaluate further
* You get your opponent's queen for a rook, a minor piece, and a pawn: Usually worth it, evaluate further
* You get your opponent's queen for a rook and two minor pieces: Not worth it
* You get your opponent's queen for a rook, two minor pieces, and a pawn or two: Not worth it
* You get your opponent's queen for two rooks: Usually two rooks are stronger than a queen, although it depends on the position. Evaluate more.
* You get your opponent's queen for two rooks and a pawn or two: If your queen and the rooks and pawns are the only pieces left, it isn't worth it. If not, evaluate further.
* You get your opponent's queen for two rooks and a minor piece or more: Not worth it
This is my personal opinion and is probably not 100% correct, but it can be helpful.
Until next time, bye.