Losers Chess Basics Part 2

Losers Chess Basics Part 2

Chess variantStrategyPuzzleTacticsEndgame
Part 2 of Losers Chess Basics


So, I am continuing this from the first blog post about losers chess. I have shown the most basic opening trap there, so here I will go over the strategy and a few puzzles and basic endgames.
Also, sorry for the really late post. I wasn't able to find some of the content here so this came out so late.


The Strategy here, is to keep the major pieces with you in most cases. If the sides end up with a blocked pawn on each side, usually the side with more major pieces wins.

Basic Endgames

Basic Endgames you should know:

PRK vs PK when both pawns are blocked

In Antichess, it won't make such a big difference if the pawns are blocked because it becomes as simple as RK v K if the king is on the wrong side of the pawns. But in losers chess, it makes a huge difference.

This is the most common losers chess endgame:
Here, as white is left with only a single king, white wins.

NRK v PK when pawn is blocked with knight

This endgame also uses the same strategy as the PRK endgame.

BRK v PK when pawn is blocked with bishop

This endgame, even though it has a similar setup to the other two endgames above, is much shorter than the other endgames.

BRRK v PBK when pawn is not blocked

When your opponent has a major piece in his endgame, force him to give it up. Make sure you don't capture all his pieces in that process. A perfect example:


Endgame Study

I made an endgame study which has all these endgames in it. You can consult it for more detailed understanding of these endgames:


I also have a puzzles study if you wanna try them out:


Thank you for reading this blog post. Hopefully it helps you improve at losers chess. I will try to make a part 3 but not sure.

If you ever wanna play a game, just message me so we can agree to a suitable time to play this interesting variant!