Played 3 runs of Puzzle Racer
GM Bacallao2019
No note yet
Yusnel Bacallao Alonso
Antes que largas variantes prefiero entender las posiciones con palabras, con conceptos antes que matemática.
FIDE rating: 2605
CubaMember since May 24, 2019
Time spent playing: 35 days 20 hours 46 minutes
Time on TV: 1 day 12 hours 22 minutes
Social media linksYouTube
Teams⭐ 🌞 Sky Is The LimiT 🌙 ⭐Ajedrezlandia PerúBacallaoChessBacallaoChess 2BB Irish Chess Club"BunKer 16" GM Bacallao - GM PantojaCarnavales de Gran Canaria 2021CIBAE 88Clubes de Ajedrez Rey de ReyesClubExaCopa CatrachaCubanos por el mundoDEPORTES PUENTE ALTOEQUIPO TITULADOS CUBANOSFIDEFUEGO EN EL TABLERO 🔥🔥🔥Guillon chessIM medinapaz Coach and PrizesInternational Chess CorporationLa vieja escuelaMistaNew World ChessOnly_ProfessionalsPassionata Chess ClubPATRIA!Sangre Latino-AmericanosSapolandiaSegundo Torneo Convivencia Inalámbricasimultánea Liga de Ajedrez de VeraguasSimultáneas NCCTDR Chess ClubTeam TacticoThalentusThe BunkerTitled playersTorneos-entrenamiento 2023Unity Grand Prize - 3rd may 2020Villa Clara
Completed 1 correspondence game1 win
Gained 1 new follower
Played 8 Blitz games
Started following 1 player
Played 20 moves in 4 correspondence games
Completed 3 correspondence games150048 2 wins 1 loss
Played 3 Rapid games
Played 32 moves in 2 correspondence games
Completed 2 correspondence games2 wins