New Instructive Chess Game - Random Playing with Choices!
Decision making, risk control, chessboard visualization and luck. These are a few things that this simple yet effective game has to offer.You can play the game for FREE (no account needed) here: RANDOMCHESS WEBSITE
New Instructive Chess Game - Playing with Choices!
In the era of fast-pace-simple-commands videogames, it's easy to find games that want to emulate chess complexity.
So we can find MOBA chess games where each piece is "alive" and can fight like in a normal game in order to raise its level or gain money.
If even it may be funny, this isn't chess.
Even certain chess-variants have little to nothing to do with chess.
The following is just one of my newest ideas to create a "new" chess-variant that has everything to do with the original game, yet with some interesting differences.
The Game
The game is very simple. It's chess and you have to checkmate the opponent. The rules are the same, the pieces and the positions too.
The only difference is one: each turn you have only 5 random possible moves to play!
This means that even if everything is the same as playing chess, each turn you are only limited to 5 random moves to pick!
Like a card game, in this chess-variant, luck is an important factor. However, you should put your chess-skills to test and find the best possible moves in that short list and this decision is what makes this game so interesting because every decision has a significant risk to take into consideration!
For example you protect your bishop and you want to attack an enemy piece. But what if you don't have that attacking move? What if the opponent can attack your piece back and what if you won't have the move to capture back? You have to be aware of all these things.,
Here are some of the PROs that i think are worth it:
- Decision Making: this is the most important skill here (and in chess in general). You have to find the right plan but also grab the courage to start that attack.
The funniest thing is that if you are very very lucky (and the opponent gets all the wrong moves) then you can potentially win with just a single piece (if you can capture everything without being captured), but this is unlikely in the long term and on the other hand, even if you fully protect all your pieces there is a chance that the opponent can capture them.. for free! - Luck: even if luck alone isn't enough, this can really invert the flavour of the game.
- Multiple Plans: to have more than one plan is an important thing to do in this game. What if you want to strike on the king side but all your possible moves are on the queen side? Then you may reconsider your plans!
To have more than one plan in mind is a very important thing in standard chess too! - Visualizzation: Another skill that you can train on this chess-variant. The website is built in the most simple way so that you are forced to use your visualizzation skills to see every move or quickly get the squares.
No arrows, no pieces or squares that illuminates. Only 5 buttons with the name of the starting square and the end square (so castling will become e1g1 for example).
This chess-variant and the website are just a prototype but fully functional and very easy to start playing. Just select your color and go!
The opponent is a random bot that plays randomly too!
You can play the game for FREE (no account needed) here: RANDOMCHESS WEBSITE
Feel free to comment here or write me here on Lichess!
Thank you to everyone that plays this new chess-variant! :)
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