
3 tips for playing classic games online

ChessStrategyOver the board
Play classic games online correctly in just 3 easy steps

Tip 1:
Don't play fast

Playing fast is the worst mistake we can make in a classic game, classic games are thinking and striving to make the best plays and plans that have no defects. Therefore, we have to calculate very well before making a decision. That's why great players take a long time to think about their next move.

Tip 2:
Do not get distracted

Sure you ask, but how do I not get distracted when I'm at home? Well, just don't look around and focus on your whole game. Also, preferably place yourself in a place where there is little or no noise so that you do not get distracted.

Tip 3:
Don't get carried away by your rival's rating

What I mean by this? Well, sometimes we get scared when we play with opponents who have a higher rating than us or we trust to win those who have less. Well, we should not do this because when we get scared or confident we lose concentration and therefore lose, we better have to play the same with everyone, and concentrate very well. But this tip doesn't just work for virtual chess, it also works for head-to-head tournaments.