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Estudio Matemáticas en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Bogotá
FIDE rating: 600

Member since Sep 10, 2021
Time spent playing: 18 hours, 20 minutes
Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
Played 15 Blitz games66847
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #179 (top 66%) with 15 games in LVII Interligas por Equipos-2S Team Battle
Played 7 moves in 1 correspondence game
Played 1 Rapid game7239
Played 15 Blitz games62121
Played 10 Rapid games71469
Played 7 UltraBullet games68989
Played 1 Bullet game65823
Played 1 Classical game63434
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #186 (top 79%) with 15 games in LVI Interligas por Equipos -2S Team Battle