
How to write a book!

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The simple beginner's editor guide to story-telling!

Hello and welcome!

Did you asked yourself how famous books and novels were written? How are their texts this well edited? Well, you clicked on the right blog! This blog is an introductory guide about how to write any type of text with sharp and sought manner and professional looks. This concerns everything related to texts (novels, books, mangas, films, forums, animations and any script-related videos, where a script is used to narrate the story).

Choose a language you know well:

Because it is far easier to write a book that you're comfortable with both writing and reading your own oeuvre. Most well-known, English. You can consult my blog on How to learn a language easier to know more about this topic.

By choosing your language, you may limit yourself to tools other languages have access to. What I mean is that many languages have different ways of expressing sentences (You know what kind of emotion your novel). It's the reason why translating a text needs to be precise, to not let ambiguities come out of your text (in movies, for example, the subtitles sometimes don't match with what they actually say in English).

How do you introduce your text smoothly?

Because introduction is one of the most read part of your oeuvre, as it is the part of the essay that defines what your work talks about. One very important tip: Usually, you shall always begin with an interrogation, a question that you will answer through your novel. Ask a question in the beginning so as to pay attention to the reader and make him ask himself the same question, and that's where your gigantic answer comes in! In the middles of the essay, you impose every detail related to the subject of your text.

You must make your work appealing for anybody and get it to make sense. Use understandable words so that anybody sees your point, all of that while writing correctly and carefully, and also being aware of orthographical errors.

Watch your tongue and don't steal others' words!

If ever you are writing anything related to texts, watch your language. Because if you use too much informal expressions and even displaced words or insult the reader, your oeuvre could be dismissed by many and even declared as inappropriate. Myself I'm and must be very careful when writing something or else it becomes so wrong so quickly (Imagine if I'm getting banned for an unknown reason, I couldn't post blogs anymore). If you're mentioning a text somebody else used and if it's copyrighted, mention the author or don't use that text at all.

What to do to make it fun to read:

It's an absolute honor to hear somebody's favorite humorist, for example. The same thing applies in books. Inserting a joke from time to time is a good way to entertain the reader and that will give it positive feedbacks from other people (like this one, I hope so). Here are some other advice to help make your oeuvre attracting:

  1. Insert jokes: Not not enough or else it becomes very boring, and not too much or else you may look yourself like a humorist. It can be anything with a hidden reference or a funny event.
  2. Alternate constructive style and informative style: From time to time and depending on your subject, insert constructive style (order, interrogation, exclamation, prohibition etc.) and informative style (declaration, negation, insistance etc.) so that your oeuvre contains a bubble of imagination for the reader, and then make it pop with an information about your subject.
  3. Never give up: It can be very tiring to write a blog, and sometimes can lead to resignation. But no, you should absolutely never abandon when you made the decision of starting. A forum post taught me: "The only way to never ever blunder is to never ever play" from 11 months ago, and I myself still don't respect this advice. But I don't want you to repeat another idiot's mistake the exact same way. Don't ever ever give up.

Thanks for reading!

I thank you a lot for reading my blog, the first blog in 2023. Hopefully it will introduce the year very well, and I hope you've liked it. Please check out my other blogs as well, and give feedback in the comments. See ya in a next blog!