Play the Orthoschnapp Gambit like Marco Riehle
Marco Riehle is a young FM often lauded for his blitz games. Here is a study of 209 games where he won (out of 282) with the Orthoschnapp Gambit against the French DefenseContinuying the "Play like..." series of studies designed for use with the LiChess Tools browser extension, this time it was a request from a fan to feature FM Marco Riehle. I don't know much about him other than he was born in 1999 and he streams as part of the Chesshobbits99 Twitch channel.
He plays a lot of Mengarini against the Sicilian and Orthoschnapp against the French. The request was for the Orthoschnapp, but maybe I will add a bonus chapter for the Mengarini, which is one of the openings I enjoy seeing on board.
Enough said, enjoy this Interactive Lesson study which, extended by the LiChess Tools extension, allows you to play the moves as Marco played them in 209 winning games with the gambit (out of 282, which means a winning rate of 76%). Not bad for an opening that some have compared in soundness with the Latvian gambit.
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