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[Event "Rated bullet game"] [Site ""] [Date "2025.02.25"] [White "jorgetritri"] [Black "Tontongo"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "6MbdcTWL"] [UTCDate "2025.02.25"] [UTCTime "17:00:01"] [WhiteElo "2740"] [BlackElo "2691"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+5"] [BlackRatingDiff "-5"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "60+0"] [ECO "B40"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Delayed Alapin Variation, with e6"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. c3 { B40 Sicilian Defense: Delayed Alapin Variation, with e6 } d5 4. e5 d4 5. Bc4 Nc6 6. cxd4 Nxd4 7. O-O Bd7 8. Nc3 Bc6 9. Nxd4 cxd4 10. Ne2 Qa5 11. f4 Bc5 12. d3 Ne7 13. a3 Nf5 14. b4 Bxb4 15. g4 Ne7 16. axb4 Qxa1 17. f5 exf5 18. gxf5 O-O 19. f6 Ng6 20. fxg7 Kxg7 21. Qd2 b5 22. Qh6+ Kg8 23. Bg5 Qxf1+ 24. Kxf1 { Black resigns. } 1-0