The journey from beginner to intermediate

The Journey to Chess Improvement

The thing we all do we improve?

Every potential student I meet has the same question, "how can I improve?" Some ask more specific questions like, how can I gain 500 elo? Or how can I become a National Master? These questions are inevitably asked by beginners. If you are already a strong OTB player, you probably already know what you need to do to improve. And when beginners ask this question - many times the person answering cops out. Instead of answering with useful information, they give platitudes or stock answers (learn endgames, study puzzles, play more, etc.)

The correct answer is more complicated and simpler at the same time!

Here is the step by step, proven way to actually improve your chess game

  1. Accurately assess your current state. If you don't know where you are, a map won't help*.*
  2. Determine the principles, in order of comprehension, that you need to work on next. The NEXT step.
  3. Leverage how we learn
    1. Gain understanding of the principle/concept
    2. Practice application of the principle/concept
    3. Apply the principle/concept consistently
  4. Celebrate your improvement and then Repeat

You have to realize it's a journey, and all journeys take time. If we use the analogy of traveling from Florida to Seattle, Washington in the US, this is a long trip (over 3,000 miles). You can't teleport instantaneously across the country - and you can't instantaneously go from 100 elo to 2200. And while you're traveling, seeing each of the principles along the way, you'll stop for food and drink and fuel. These are the equivalent of picking up specific skills - how to move, how to keep your focus, what to eat (and not eat) before a match. And you may pick up new windshield wipers, get an oil change or a tune up for your car. The same as you might find a new coach, a practice partner, or a new book to study.

You also don't have to do on the journey in the most popular route. You can focus on a principle out of the "normal" order of attainment. You can do tactics before you learn to develop. You can study endgames before you focus on king safety. The destination is the same (whatever your personal goal is), but the way to get there can vary greatly.

Regardless of the path you take, you have to know where you are to start.

And you have to pick where you want to go next. This is the same for everyone, everywhere.

Until someone invents a teleportation machine, you'll have to take the journey. Enjoy it!

NOTE: the map in the picture only depicts getting from total beginner to intermediate (Club B player)