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Finding your Rhythm

Getting in the zone - what every athlete wants to do

Yes, I believe you are an athlete and that Chess is a sport.

Oh, I won't argue that it's more than a sport...a science, an art, and a game. For some it's an addiction, for others it's a pastime. But Chess is also a sport.

As with every sport, you can find yourself in the zone. The zone is where everything slows down. The basket seems extra large, the ball moves slower, and you know where your opponent is going before they move, Your moves come naturally and easily. There are no distractions because you can't hear them. Your focus is unrelenting and your mind is locked in.

Every athlete can experience this.

You can experience this.

It doesn't happen every day or every time you play. But we can work to increase the possibility of getting there. Practice, practice, practice. Also playing at the highest levels we can will help. Exercising our bodies and our minds also improves our likelihood of getting in the zone. There is no formula that I know of, but preparation and practice are required.

We don't consciously try to get in the zone, we fall into it when we achieve full focus and have the confidence in ourselves to let go.

The next time you're playing chess, try it out. Try to relax, have confidence in yourself, and let go.