
We never lose, We win or we learn

Off topic
I have some things to tell you about when we lose

Hi all whoever is reading this.

I want to tell you about when we lose
So, there's actually nothing called losing. When we lose we actually learn. For example, you're playing a game, you're playing really fast, and you made a blunder while you were playing in that speed. You might resign or you might continue and get checkmated (only if it's a big blunder), if it's a big blunder and you lost, you shouldn't feel bad that you lost! You should feel that you learnt that you shouldn't have played that fast or whatever mistake you did in your game. You can also learn what good moves your opponent did.

My Incidents: I played 6 chess tournaments but I didn't a single trophy. I'm not telling you that I go for tournaments to gain trophies. I go to learn. I'm telling you that I realised my my mistakes, blundurs and illegals.

I'm not telling you that losing is good. I'm telling you that when you lose you learn. If you keep on winning, that means you're playing with low-rated players. If you keep on winning high-rated players that's good
If you keep on losing, that means you tried your best while playing with high-rated players and you learnt from your mistakes, blunders and illegals you learnt your opponents good moves. It's rare chance you lose to
low-rated players

1 tip: If your opponent makes a bad move you have to punish him or you have to use that.