
Starting chess in 2023 and aiming for CM title my chess journey #1

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Hi I’m Shonetheim and I’m going to share with you my short journey

I started chess in September 2023 because of a friends that we’ll call E. E is a 1700 fide elo player. He made a high school club and I really liked chess so I wanted to start chess seriously. I created a chess com and lichens account in September 2023. I first knew that I gotta play e4 to have a good opening. And I played some game that were horrible.
First the chess community is insanely big, and it’s hard to join because some people are making fun of you when you are a 100 elo (now i understand why h4 as an opening is just horrible.)
Chess at first isn’t that fun because you only loose but when you start to play competitive chess it’s funny.
I’ll share my chess journey here from 0 to CM title. Btw do you have any tips to improve better and faster ?
Have a nice day !