
Petrosian and his Cautious Style!

ChessChess Personalities
A Poem about Petrosian and his solid style!

Details about the poem in this video:

Petrosian and his Cautious Style:

Chess world has heard about Petrosian,
Immediately thinking about the word caution,
Risk free chess his hallmark,
Which did leave a mark.

Petrosian mentioned about his style,
Attributed to his personality,
In life too he did not venture,
Into paths of risk and adventure.

He mentioned that strategic vision,
Needs the help of combinative cushion,
Failing which strategy will turn out to be futile,
Flaws in tactics will ensure that strategy will fail.

He attributed strategy a block of marble,
And tactics as the cherished chisel,
Enabling an art to be created at ease,
Resulting in games that can appease and please!
