
Lasker, Marshall and 1907!

ChessChess Personalities
A Poem about the 1907 world chess championships between Emmanuel Lasker and Frank Marshall!

For details about this championships that will help you understand about the poem check the below video:


The world champion took a break from chess,
To Pursue his other love: Mathematics,
A doctoral study was his preference at this interim,
But his interest in chess was not completely minimum.

Frank Marshall was there to challenge his throne,
And make himself Known.
By winning the Cambridge spring tournament,
He challenged the great Lasker,
And hoped to prosper.

The champions defeat at the Cambridge Spring tournament,
Was a very rare sight,
He hadn't lost a tournament in 10 and a half years,
And Marshall proved that he can increase his fears!

Lasker was up to the task,
And with an ease he was able to unmask,
His wealth of experience,
And achieve an unmatched Coherence.

The champion proved his ability to tame,
Since the challenger didn't win a single game
The level of play was Unparalleled,
And all the questions about his supremacy were expelled.
