[Event "Rated blitz game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/HWw6YLyp"]
[Date "2025.03.12"]
[White "markoutsaras"]
[Black "Ruzhdi01"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "HWw6YLyp"]
[UTCDate "2025.03.12"]
[UTCTime "17:55:59"]
[WhiteElo "2333"]
[BlackElo "2284"]
[WhiteRatingDiff "+5"]
[BlackRatingDiff "-4"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[TimeControl "180+0"]
[ECO "A53"]
[Opening "Old Indian Defense: Czech Variation, with Nc3"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "lichess.org"]
1. d4 d6 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 c6 { A53 Old Indian Defense: Czech Variation, with Nc3 } 4. Nf3 g6 5. Bg5 Nbd7 6. e3 Bg7 7. Be2 h6 8. Bh4 Qb6 9. Qb3 Qc7 10. Bg3 Nh5 11. Bh4 Nb6 12. h3 g5 13. Nd2 Nf6 14. Bg3 Be6 15. Qc2 d5 16. Bxc7 { Black resigns. } 1-0