Lichess or Chess.com?
Pros and ConsPros, Lichess
Lichess is completely free software, with all the features available to everyone without any payment.
Lichess is free so all bots that you want to play are free.
Different and cool chess variants such as, Chess960, Horde, Crazyhouse and much more.
Cons, Lichess
Different types rasism, hurtful words said in chat, and people curse for no reason.
Some but not all people are afriaid of Lichess mods. They just don't care at all.
Pros, Chess.com
Chess.com broadcasts live events, such as streamers,and tournaments.
Chess.com also has a HUGE collection of puzzles, chess website to inprove, and many more.
Chess.com also includes new varients that Lichess doesn't have.
Cons, Chess.com
You have to have a premium membership to unlock all the features, and certain videos you have to pay for.
Chess.com cheaters, I have seen one to many Chess.com cheaters video by my favorite chess player (Levy Rozman) about the cheaters he went up against.
Yeah that just sums up about the pros and cons from Lichess and Chess.com
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