Missed Opportunities World Rapid Championship Day-1
Missed wins by Caruana, Giri and MVL in World Rapid Championship 2023 Day-1Hello ChessNeurites,
Let's discuss the missed opportunities by some of the top players from World Rapid Championship Day-1.
Position 1
GM Zeng,C - GM Caruana,Fabiano
Nc2 was the move that Caruana missed in his game against Zeng,C in World Rapid Championship 2023. He would be completely winning as there is a fork and white's rook on f2 can't capture the knight as it's pinned by the queen
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Position 2:
GM Sychev,K - GM Giri,Anish
Anish Giri was completely winning if he had chosen to go Ke8 here! The checks have been stopped and now he can shift his attention to white's weak kingside!
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Position 3:
GM Makhnev,D - GM Vachier-Lagrave,M
Vachier-Lagrave had black pieces here and he is up a pawn, he has to make a choice: either to go after the b2 pawn or the d5 pawn! He made the wrong choice and went after d5 pawn! He should have gone after the b2 pawn to get the winning position!
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