If you want to win, activate the king!
Understand the concept of King Activity through Grandmaster's lens!
Black To Play
This is Grandmaster Ankit Rajpara here. I am back with the explanation of another position in more detail.
Overview of Position:
It’s an endgame with equal material. We have the bishop, our opponent has the knight and our king is more active as it’s already in the center.
In the endgame, king safety takes the backseat and king activity becomes the priority! Here, our king is already in the center but it’s not enough since we are not able to attack any weaknesses of the opponent. So, we should find a way to activate our king further.
Black should play Bb6+, it forces white to play Kf3 otherwise they would lose the knight on f4.
Black can reply with Kd4 with the idea of going to the queenside to target the b3 pawn. This was the main point behind Bb6+, it allows black’s king to get to d4 to attack white’s queenside! White can play Ne2+ but black can reply with Kd3 and soon white’s b3 pawn will be lost!
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Grandmaster Tip:
Your attention must shift from King Safety to King Activity as the endgame approaches since the activity of every piece including the king becomes crucial in the endgame!