2 pawns facing each other on an open book by Tartakover


Story-tell me the Italian!

I always find it hard to learn openings

I'm probably not the only one
There are many technics to achieve such goal
like spaced repetition
It doesn't seem to work for me

So what if I found a way to rely on my habits and my personnal behaviour ?

I like to write things down : I make studies of my own game, at work I write everything so I won't forget and i'm able to recall what is already done if have to work again on the subject.

How to apply this behaviour to an opening study ?

I had this funny looking idea of telling the opening like a sort of fairytell, a story that associated to the moves would help me to recall them. Let's be a pawn et view the game from the inside.
I'm not the first to use this tool : Jules Lazard a famous french player was renowned for his poems about chess games.

Let's get ready, edmond the e pawn is going to fight his arch-ennemy edmondo his black counterpart !

Tell me what you think

An visit the study to find more stories about the italian opening...
To go to the study : click on the 3 vertical dots under the board and choose "view on lichess"

Here is the second one :

1. e4I advance proudly in front of my King, I am only a pawn and yet everyone is looking at me, my name is edmond !
1... e5The opposing pawn edmondo, my lifelong enemy, jumps to meet me, we find ourselves, breastplate against breastplate, ready fight!
2. Nf3Then the King's Knight himself comes to meet me, placing himself just behind my right shoulder, I can hear the powerful breath of his armored mount, he impresses him from all his height and the poor Edmondo is turning pale
2... Nc6The Queen's Knight comes out of the ramparts to lend a hand: it's the status quo, nobody moves anymore
3. Bc4I saw the King's Bishop sliping to c4 two squares away from my left: aiming at the weakest point of the enemy castle: f7, what audacity!
3... Bc5The opposing King's Bishop imitates him and stands right in front of him to taunt him, remember his name: his name is Giuoco Piano!
4. c3I feel that things are moving at the rear, the pawn charles advances cautiously, as often: he is going to help his comrade Daniel
4... Nf6Before Daniel can even move, the opposing King's knight leaps to f6: it's me he's aiming at, I must remain impassive, for the honor of my half side of the board!
5. d4Here is Daniel rushing to d4 right next to me: what foolhardyness, he is going to get caught and I am still unprotected
5... exd4He has disappeared! edmondo, the Italian took him. If he continues diagonally, he will attack Charles for sure!
6. e5What to do? Too bad for Charles, let's attack! I advance with the support of my Knight
6... d5What nerve! Danielo appears to my left, sword drawn! He has jumped to squares! Am I going to take him down 'en passant ' ?
7. Bb5But the strategy dictates: wing attack is decided! The King's Bishop who was on c4 moves to b5 and pins the opposing Knight to his King!
7... Ne4The opposing King's Knight jumps over my head! I thought my last hour had arrived. No ! He's now right behind me in our camp!
8. cxd4Charles has captured edmondo, daniel's killer, he now supports me on my left and threatens nothing less than a Bishop who...
8... Bb6..L a Bishop who retreats! Well done charles! We hold the center of the arena!
9. Be3Our Queen's Bishop places himself on e3 between the King and the attacking Knight in order to support us, both animals and riders are taunting each other
9... O-OBlack's team has castled, their King is safe from his woes ramparts...
10. Nc3Finally the Queen's Knight goes to his favorite position: c3, threatening the Knight on e4
10... Bg4The Bishop Giuoco Piano has come to pin the King's white Knight , threatening our Lady and destroying our castling chances if by chance she would leave her observation post
11. h3Quickly Harry, chase him away!
11... Bh5He retreats to the edge of the board, still threatening: who said the Italian was calm?!