Lichess TV in green

More colours for Lichess

Off topicSoftware Development
I have added 2 new features to myLichessHomePage Chrome extension (v1.1)

First : new colours
After playing with the colours rotation cursor to change the hue of lichess web site, you can now use "colours saturation" that add some grey to the hues for a relaying effect or make hues more vivid to play shorter times games !

Second : a pop-up window (where you manage colours) with a changing background. When you push the cursors, the colors are changed immédiatly in the window to give you an overview of how the site will look like.

Here is a screen shot :

screen shot of the pop-up window over the site

If you wanna try, here is the link to the chrome store

myLichessHomePage extension on the chrome store

