FM PavelMart's Blog

If You're 1600+ Rated But Stuck, Watch This Chess Secret
In this video, I reveal a powerful strategic idea that can take your game to the next level—the vani…
STOP Playing Bullet Chess Until You Watch This
Bullet chess isn’t just about speed—it’s about making the right moves fast! In this video, I break d…
When Chess turns into WAR! (Epic Queen Sacrifice)
Witness the sheer brutality of chess as I break down two jaw-dropping queen sacrifices that left opp…
This Chess Attack Left White's King Completely Helpless...
a detailed breakdown of one of the most breathtaking attacking games in chess history: the clash bet…
How to Beat Polish Opening in 7 Minutes
Welcome to my new video "How to Beat Polish Opening in 7 Minutes"! The Polish Opening (1.b4) is one …
The ONLY Wing Gambit Counter You Need (French Defense)
This video is your ultimate guide to playing as Black against the tricky Wing Gambit in the French D…
How Spassky Crushed Petrosian's Defense - Genius Attack!
Showcases the brilliance of Boris Spassky's legendary game against Tigran Petrosian, one of the most…
Most INSANE Chess Move Ever! (Prophylaxis Sacrifice)
I reveal what might be the greatest chess move in history! This video features a mind-blowing moment…