
How to handle cheating accusations?

Storytime: I cheated???

Cheating is a big problem in chess, it really takes the fun out of it. But some people just think: "Oh hey, let me ruin someones day by crushing them"
But the worst thing about cheating is when you get accused of doing it although you didnt do anything, this happened to me in my recently played tournament.

In this tournament I played against weaker players (I dont have a Fide rating yet) and so I had a better understanting about chess. I sat down at the board and we started the game with a handshake. I tried to play agressive and my opponent tried to play as solide as possible, she wanted a draw because she knew I was leading the tournament. During the game I lost a pawn but my attack was too strong so that made the pawn useless overall. In the end my opponent lost a knight and 3 pawns, the frustration in her eyes was visible. Due to that she made two illegal moves. First she ignored my check (I pointed it out) and then she moved her king into a check. For me it was a really important tournament, I would finally get my rating so I obviously reported that and declared my victory. She looked at me with anger, sadness and frustration then she ran away in tears. I felt sad so I decided that I wanted to talk to her and analyse the game with my opponent so I could give her tips for the next time she faces that line. Everything just happened so quickly. The next day I came to the tournament hall and looked for my opponent, I saw her talking to her friends about me and our game (normal, I thought). I walked towards her and sat down on the couch. I didnt really listen to the things she was talking about with her friends because it was none of my business, obviously. But I overheard something that made me angry. She actually accused me of cheating. I immediately wanted to say something but my mother held me back. The rest of that day and during the game I was thinking about that specific moment. My thoughts were going crazy. "What if they suspend me from the tournament?" "What should I do now?" "Is it my fault?"

In the end I came to a conclusion: Dont blame you for this. You didnt do anything wrong so dont think it is your fault. And dont let this ruin your day.
Cheating is bad. Cheating means no fun. So I ask y ́all not to cheat. (Oh, and in the end I actually managed to win that tournament :D)

So, thanks everyone for reading my blog and see y ́all later. :D