
Top 10 Middlegame Tips for Everyone

It's always good to know some theory that can result in getting better positions in the middle game, but most of your results, whether you win or lose, come from the mistakes that you make in the middle game. In this post, I will cover 10 principles that can help you perform better.

1) If your opponent have two pair of bishops trade one of them off

By doing this, you'll withdraw the dominance that your opponent had over the squares with the help of his bishops.

2) Keep the Back Rank Protected

Usually, let's be honest, when we attack the opponent's king, we completely forget the safety of our king, or sometimes we kind of bring all our pieces to the opponent's territory without really thinking about our king's safety. Keeping the background protected is always necessary once you're leaving your first or eighth rank.

3) Don't let your pieces get overloaded

An overloaded piece usually has more than one task, like defending two pieces at the same time, and usually having the overall piece will lead to a loss of material and the reason for that is that sometimes you leave something unprotected when you are forced to move.

4) Don't recapture pieces automatically

Basically, there will be times when your opponent captures your pieces and you recapture them immediately without taking a second, but here's something you need to do differently once your opponent captures your piece: Try to consider some sort of forcing move that is available, such as checks or sacrifices, and there is always, like, a powerful weapon to surprise your opponent.

5) Exchange off your opponent's fianchettoed bishop

Usually, by doing this sort of stuff, you will be able to create weaknesses around your opponent's king side, and this will lead you to create some sort of attack.

6) Blockade your opponent's passed pawn with your knight

The reason why it's good to blockade the passed pawn with the knight is that you will not only stop your opponent's passed pawn, but at the same time, you are still able to control much more squares with your knight.

7) Trade off your opponent's best piece

When you're in the middle game, you're seeing that your opponent has a strong piece on the board, and this is a moment that you need to figure out how you can eliminate that piece.

8) Pawn Majority distant from the enemy king can result in advantage

Pawn majority basically means that on one side of the board you have more pawns than your opponent, such as three versus two or four versus three.

9) Try to avoid creating pawn weaknesses

When you're playing in the middlegame, even small details can affect your position, especially if you have pawn weaknesses. You need to try to avoid creating doubled, isolated, and tripled pawns in your field.

10) Force your opponent to advance his hanging pawns

You should not stop putting pressure on your opponent's hanging pawns until he advances one of them.

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