
The X-ray Attack: How it can destroy your opponents

Hello, Aspiring chess grandmasters! This is @TecDragoman, and today I'm going to talk about one of my favorite tactics in chess: the X-ray attack. In this blog post, I will explain what the X-ray attack is, how to use it, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and why I think it's a great strategy to improve your game. Let's get started!

Table of Contents

- What is the X-ray attack?

- How to use the X-ray attack?

- Advantages of the X-ray attack

- Disadvantages of the X-ray attack

- My personal opinion on the X-ray attack

- Conclusion

What is the X-ray attack?

The X-ray attack is a chess tactic that involves using a piece to indirectly attack an enemy piece through another piece of the same color. For example, if you have a rook on the same file as an enemy queen, but there is a pawn in between them, you can use the X-ray attack to threaten the queen by moving the pawn or capturing another piece on that file. The rook can see through the pawn and target the queen behind it.

How to use the X-ray attack?

The X-ray attack can be used in various situations, such as:

- To create double attacks or forks, where you threaten two or more enemy pieces at once.

- To create pins or skewers, where you force an enemy piece to stay in place or move away from a more valuable piece behind it.

- To create discovered attacks or checks, where you move a piece out of the way and reveal an attack by another piece.

- To create deflections or decoys, where you lure an enemy piece away from its defensive position or into a trap.

Advantages of the X-ray attack

The X-ray attack has several advantages, such as:

- It can create unexpected threats and surprises for your opponent, who may not notice the hidden attack behind their own piece.

- It can increase the power and mobility of your pieces, as they can control more squares and move more freely.

- It can exploit the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of your opponent's position, such as loose pieces, unprotected squares, or bad pawn structure.

- It can help you gain material or positional advantage, by winning or exchanging pieces, creating weaknesses, or gaining space.

Disadvantages of the X-ray attack

The X-ray attack also has some disadvantages, such as:

- It can be risky and double-edged, as it may expose your own pieces to counterattacks or sacrifices by your opponent.

- It can be difficult and tricky to execute, as it may require precise calculation and coordination of your pieces.

- It can be prevented or defended against, by blocking, capturing, moving away, or counterattacking with your opponent's pieces.

My personal opinion on the X-ray attack

I think the X-ray attack is a great strategy to improve your chess skills and enjoy the game more. It teaches you to look deeper into the position and find hidden possibilities and resources. It also challenges you to think creatively and tactically, and to anticipate your opponent's moves and reactions. It also makes the game more fun and exciting, as it creates dynamic and complex situations that require sharp and accurate play.


The X-ray attack is one of the most useful and versatile tactics in chess. It involves using a piece to indirectly attack an enemy piece through another piece of the same color. It can be used in various situations, such as creating double attacks, pins, skewers, discovered attacks, deflections, or decoys. It has several advantages, such as creating unexpected threats, increasing the power and mobility of your pieces, exploiting the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of your opponent's position, and gaining material or positional advantage. It also has some disadvantages, such as being risky and double-edged, difficult and tricky to execute, and preventable or defendable against. I personally love using the X-ray attack in my games, as it helps me improve my chess skills and enjoy the game more.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about the X-ray attack. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy chessing!

This is @MaxOhmer signing off.