Abdustattorov Championships 2021
Game collection of Nodirbek Abdusattorov's tournament wins2021 was a great year for Nodirbek Abdusattorov. He won three tournaments, the El Llobregat Open, Sunway Stiges, and the World Rapid Championship, all in quick succession, just after turning 17 years old. After watching him defeat Magnus Carlsen in an incredible queen endgame, I decided to learn a bit more about his history and style. It turns out he has an interesting and dynamic repertoire.
I put together a game collection study of his tournament victories that I pieced together from various sources. Somehow the Lichess interface is the easiest for my brain to digest. Since Abdusattorov is making his debut today in the Airthings Masters Tournament, I decided to share my study with the world. Looking forward to seeing more from the young Uzbek chess star in 2022!