Lichess Game of the Month: May 24

Lichess Game of the Month: May 24

LichessAnalysisChess Personalities
A real chess thriller

A Queen Sacrifice, Piece Sacrifice, Checkmate, Kingside Attack, Pawn Promotion, Ideal Center, Space Advantage, Bishop Pair, our Lichess Game Of The Month May 2024 had it all, a real thriller!
By June 5th, several of your best games of May were shared via our forum post.

Our team went on and carefully checked all suggested games and found that the game of @Javier1009 given for all the reasons above was outstanding.

The Turkish chess trainer and FM Nazmi Can Doğan alias @NaSil had a deeper look into the brilliant game and commented a lot for you to learn from, check it out (also check the other study chapters!):

You can submit your best game of the Month June on the pinned thread by July 1st in our forums

Conditions to submit your Game of the Month June:
* Only standard games (no variants)
* Only submit one game per user (additional games will be ignored), and must have been played in May 2024 only!

Stay tuned to our forums or any of our socials for the next announcement.
How did you like the Game of the Month and the contest itself? Let us know in the blog comments by clicking on the link below.

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