
1600 Blitz rating

Finally i reached 1600 blitz rating! (after a lot of hard work) and help you reach too

Hello all i welcome you all to my blog

Today at 11:11 am IST i reached a blitz rating of 1600! i was really happy

Tips for you:
I worked hard learning openings in blitz and more and i can recommend you to play Queens gambit which makes the opponent think a lot in the opening thus you get a time advantage in the endgame and middle game and in the middle game do not exchange pieces many people just exchange their pieces and go into the endgame but that is the wrong technique since you have a time advantage since the opening you can play complex middle game because you are ahead in time and you will waste more of your opponent time which means in the endgame he will be under time pressure and will blunder and lose the match.

Tips from black side:
You should play the grundfield and fianchetto your bishop so that in the middlegame or endgame you don't have to worry about back rank mates which saves a lot of time. Also in the grundfield you can premove the opening moves because the major opening traps get eliminated like scholars mate and fools mate