
4th, 2nd, 1st, 3rd, 6th, 5th; Credits: Referee Janick Lehnert

More OTB 2024!!

ChessChess PersonalitiesOver the boardTournament
4-way-Tie for First Place! Buchholz decided!

Rapid Tournament (15+0) with 80 participants!

2 Photos of the Venue:


Here is the Ranking after 7 Rounds:

I got 2nd Place, no losses, 2 draws and 5 wins, I was the only undefeated Player of the entire Tournament! Tiebreaks (Buchholz) had to decide the entire podium! 4 Players had 6/7!!

Here is my Study including the 7 Openings and the 7 Ending positions:

There were a lot of Time Scrambles due to the Time Format (15+0), like proving that a last pawn was captured and Rook vs Rook is than a Draw with 4s on the Clock.
The referee had a tough job and managed the tournament very well.
Or the following situation: w=1s vs b=0s, and the clock of the black pieces hit 0s before the clock of the white pieces hit 0s too (both clocks showed 00.00 at the End).


  1. So, after all, I was pretty happy with the quality of my Play! I managed my Time pretty well, was mostly ahead on the Clock and in 5/7 Games I got 4,5 Points with no Risk of Losing, in the other 2 it was two times Rollercoaster Rides: I drew K+P vs K with at the End with 30s on my Clock and won the Last Round with 150s vs 90s remaining in the End.
  2. I'm again in all Time Formats undefeated, like Neverlusen (51, now 1), I played 3 Classical Games (1,1,1/2) and 7 Rapid Games (1,1,1,1/2,1/2,1,1), so 10 Games (before 30 Games non-losing-streak)!

Until next Time.

ggs!! HUB18