CM HGabor's Blog

An example of the Guessing Syndrome
This is just a really quick post about a typical Guessing Syndrome case - i.e. when someone guesses …
Thinking in counterthreats
A little case study about threat handling - how to do it as a GM
Effective training methods - calculation training
A post about improving your calculation skills.
Effective training methods - doing tactics
My previous post was about chess training in general. We will dive into the details now. So, what yo…
How to make your chess training effective
This is the first post of a series about effective chess training. In the following posts, I will di…
How titled players lie to you
This post is a word of warning for the average club player. As the chess world is becoming increasin…
Typical mistakes Nr 2 - Not picking up forcing moves
This is the second post in a series of the most typical mistakes I encounter as a chess coach. I tho…
Typical mistakes - Defending against unsound attacks
This is the first post in a series of the most typical mistakes I encounter as a chess coach. I thou…