
Are robots better chess players than people?

Chess botOver the boardSoftware Development

In recent years, artificial intelligence has been surpassing humans in many things
So are chess men better than artificial intelligence? so let's start with lichess' robots: Stockfish can analyze the matches and calculate moves better than those of the Grand Masters (in fact, by analyzing many matches with the AI you can see errors that the best players cannot calculate), or while playing against the computer (for example I was playing against a BOT that had 300 elo more than me and I beat it) analyzing the game I realized that the AI made "trivial" mistakes. So how do the robots beat GM and many other players? By chance the AI makes mistakes on purpose (this hypothesis is strange since the AI even outside of chess cannot make mistakes) and then the analysis was done by the same Stockfish that I beat in the match ...
Many chess players are worried because AI thinks better than humans and yet assumes the knowledge of those who create it...

For you the AI to take the upper hand on humans, let me know about the comments