
Good Luck Loser

ChessOff topic
You played well (Even though you lost)

It can't just be me. It can't be.

Good luck!

When my opponent says that, I'm almost offended that they think that I would need luck to even consider winning the game against them. Isn't the whole point of chess the fact that it is purely skill?
Oh and then they go around saying good game when they've literally just won in 5 moves or something ridiculous.

And don't you all just hate it when people are like 'Well Played!' with a sweet little grin on their face when they've won? Oh well if I played well then surely you played marvellous considering you beat the person who freaking played well.

In summary, I have made a few rules that I think chess players should follow in order to be polite but not tediously saying well played and good game after EVERY SINGLE GAME NO MATTER WHAT.

1. You can say good game as long as it was actually a good game and you didn't win by a stupid blunder or they didn't win by a blunder.

2. You can say well played if you lost the game and they aren't rated over 200 higher than you because otherwise it would be suggesting that the only reason that they won was because they played especially well in that particular game and that you would have a chance of winning against them any other day (when you have no chance).

3. You can say good luck if you particularly despise your opponent and want to knock them down a peg or two, you can even go as far as saying 'You'll need it' afterwards.

4. You can't say have fun under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Have fun makes chess sound like some sort of joke when it is a very serious matter indeed.

5. If you want to ask your opponent for their rating then don't you dare say 'What's your rating?'. Do you mean ecf? fide? lichess? blitz? standard? rapid? also there may be a time when your opponent doesn't actually keep track of their rating because it is just constantly going up (cough cough like me).

6. Do not and I mean DO NOT click onto an online tournament and type 'Good luck everybody!'. It is one of the most annoying things you could do in the entire chess world, not to mention cringy and meaning nothing. Why would you want to wish luck to everyone in the tournament? Surely the luck just cancels out and then everyone is back to their original skill level. And why would you want them to be lucky anyway, don't you just want to win?

Thank you for reading and hopefully I will feel a lot better after ranting to you guys about my main life problems at the moment. Feel free to like the blog and even if you don't really want to then just do it for the good of humanity. Oh and look at all my other blogs. And like them too. And also follow me.